In 1Cor 15:40,41, celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies are mentioned. The terrestrial bodies are the physical planets as
known to man. Celestial bodies are the heavenly bodies other than terrestrial.
Paul likens this to the resurrection and that the bodies differ in glory one to another.
My concept of heaven being a planet does not mean I believe it is a terrestrial body(or planet) but a celestial one, a heavenly
body (or planet)
The word “heaven” literally means 1) the vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it
a) the universe, the world
b) the aerial heavens or sky, the region where the clouds and the tempests gather, and where thunder and lightning are produced
c) the sidereal or starry heavens
2) the region above the sidereal heavens, the seat of order of things eternal and consummately perfect where God dwells and
other heavenly beings
We often mistake the word “heaven” to always mean the “kingdom of heaven” The heaven we are going
to enter is the kingdom of heaven not just heaven. Heaven or heavens can also mean the sky, the universe, and the expansion
of it.
The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God, or “heaven” as relating to where those saved will spend eternity.
Wherever God is, is heaven.
That is what throws a lot of people when they think that heaven is the vast spiritual dimension that has no limits.
God has no limits, but heaven does have limits. Heaven is not God. We do not worship heaven. “Heaven and earth shall
pass away but my words shall not pass away”
The Kingdom of Heaven is a “region” a region has limitations and borders. “ a better country” Heb
This heaven is the 3rd heaven Paul was caught up into. 2Cor 12 where God lives and Jesus sits at His right hand. Not the second
heavens as was implied by someone that I believe in that, which I do not.
In the Bible it is not clear exactly what the second heavens are. Some say it is outer space. Others say it is the atmosphere
of earth where evil spirits dwell. But that is not relevant right now as the focus of this subject is the heaven where we
know God dwells.
It’s interesting though, isn’t it? That we sometimes stumble over words when explaining a concept and accept other
words that mean the same thing.